VANTE - Vechta-Anhui Network of Teacher Education
Welcome to the project page of VANTE – Vechta-Anhui Network of Teacher Education. The aim of this project is to establish a network between the University of Vechta and several universities of the Anhui region, which is a partner region of Lower Saxony. All partner universities focus on teacher education in a certain extend . The main purpose of this project is the exchange in the fields of research and teaching. The cooperation started in March 2017. VANTE is financed by the International Cooperation Fund of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxon. The project includes research and teaching visits as well as student exchanges from Vechta to Anhui and vice versa which are explained in detail in Events.
Project manager:
Besuch von drei Professoren an der Universität Vechta im Rahmen des VANTE-Projekts III im November 2019
(von links nach rechts: Prof. Wu Yunzhu, Prof. Dr. Frederike Bartels, Prof. Huang Fang, Prof. Jianmin Feng)
Chinese-German Exchange on Teacher Training and Education.
Events in 2019
3nd Vechta-Anhui Summer Conference of Teacher Education (May 27th until May31th, 2019), Huainan(China)
3nd Vechta-Anhui Summer Conference of Teacher Education (27th to 31th May 2019).
Events in 2018
Scholarships for Postdoctoral Students
Awarding of two scholarships for scientists who would like to do their PhD in Germany. This years scholars are Jin Tao (Huainan Normal University) and Qiu Tian (Huabei Normal University). They will stay at the University of Vechta for to work on their PhD application and topic. (duration: three to four weeks)
Scholarships for Vechta Students of Teaching
Awarding of two scholarships in the field of teacher education for a stay at the Huainan Normal University in september (duration: four weeks).
Click here for more information to the VANTE - Scholarships.
Awarding of a scholarship for one term (summer term 2017) at the Huainan Normal University (duration: four months).
Click here for more information to the VANTE - Scholarships.
Student exchange
Stay of students from Huainan Normal University and also from Huaibei in winter term 2018/19 at the University of Vechta (duration: four months).
2nd Vechta-Anhui Summer Conference of Teacher Education (June 11th until June 15th, 2018), University of Vechta (Germany) 2nd Vechta-Anhui Summer Conference of Teacher Education (11th to 15th of June 2018).
Exchange in the field of research/lectures
Visit of Prof. Dr, Frederike Bartels, Julius Busch and Vanessa Pieper at the Anhui Normal University in June for research in the field of primary school education.
Visit of a delegation of Vevhta University at the Huainan Normal University in September to strengthen and extend the cooperation.
Events in 2017
Exchanges in the fields of research and teaching
Stay in China (execution of seminars concerning the topic: Challenges in Teacher Education – A Comparison of Anhui and Lower Saxony Johannes K. Schmees).
Stay of two professors of the Huainan Normal University as well as two professors of the Anhui Normal University during the international week of the University of Vechta Summer School 17.07 – 22.07.2017.
Student Exchange
Awarding of three scholarships for a stay to research at the Huainan Normal University (duration: two months).
Awarding of a scholarship for one term (summer term 2017) at the Huainan Normal University (duration: four months).
Administration Visit of a delegation of five representatives of the Huainan Normal University to strengthen and extend the cooperation.