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Dr. Karen Baumann

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt '4N'

  • Interaktionen zwischen Landnutzung, Biodiversität und Bodenprozessen
  • Kohlenstoff- und Phosphordynamik in Böden
  • Boden-Mikroorganismengemeinschaften und biologische Bodenkrusten


Jung, P., Baumann, K., Emrich, D., Schermer, M., Eckhardt, K.-U., Jandl, G., Leinweber, P., Harion, F., Wruck, A., Grube, M., Büdel, B., Lakatos, M., 2023. The dark side of orange: multiorganismic continuum dynamics within a lichen of the Atacama Desert. Mycologia (doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2023.2263148; in print)

Baumann, K., Jung, P., 2023. Soil Algae. Eds. Goss, M.J., Oliver, M., Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 61-69, doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822974-3.00099-9


Baumann, K., Eckhardt, K.-U., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Leinweber, P., 2022. Clay fraction properties and grassland management imprint on soil organic matter composition and stability at molecular level. Soil Use and Management, doi: 10.1111/sum.12815

Glaser, K., Albrecht, M., Baumann, K., Overmann, J., Sikorski, J., 2022. Biological soil crust from mesic forests promote a specific bacteria community. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:769767, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.769767

Baumann, K., Jung., P., Lehnert, L.W., Samolov, E., Baum, C., Bendix, J., Karsten, U., Büdel, B., Leinweber, P., 2022. Die grüne Wüste Südamerikas? Biologie in unserer Zeit, doi.org/10.11576/biuz-4989

Shaheen, S.M., Wang, J., Baumann, K., Ahmed, A.A., Hsu, L.-C., Liu, Y.-T., Wang, S.-L., Kühn, O., Leinweber, P., Rinklebe, J., 2022. Stepwise redox changes alter the speciation and mobilization of phosphorus in hydromorphic soils. Chemosphere 288, 132652, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132652


Baumann, K., Eckhardt, K.-U., Acksel, A., Gros, P., Glaser, K., Gillespie, A.W., Karsten, U., Leinweber, P., 2021. Contribution of biological soil crusts to soil organic matter composition and stability in temperate forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 160, 108315, doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108315

Shaheen, S.M., Wang, J., Baumann, K., Wang, S.-L., Leinweber, P., Rinklebe, J., 2021. Redox-induced mobilization of phosphorus in groundwater affected arable soil profiles. Chemosphere 275, 129928, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129928

Pushkareva, E., Baumann, K., Van, A.T., Mikhailyuk, T., Baum, C., Hrynkiewicz, K., Demchenko, E., Thiem, D., Köpcke, T., Karsten, U., Leinweber, P., 2021. Diversity of microbial phototrophs and heterotrophs in Icelandic biocrusts and their role in phosphorus-rich Andosols. Geoderma 386, 114905, doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114905


Baumann, K., Nastah, S., Shaheen, S.M., Rinklebe, J., Leinweber, P., 2020. Phosphorus cycling and spring barley crop response to varying redox potential. Vadose Zone Journal, doi: 10.1002/vzj2.20088

Baumann, K., Shaheen, S.M., Hu, Y., Gros, P., Heilmann, E., Morshedizad, M., Wang, J., Wang, S.-L., Rinklebe, J., Leinweber, P., 2020. Speciation and sorption of phosphorus in agricultural soil profiles of redoximorphic character. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, doi.org/10.1007/s10653-020-00561-y

Jung, P., Baumann, K., Emrich, D., Springer, A., Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Dultz, S., Baum, C., Frank, M., Büdel, B., Leinweber, P., 2020: Lichens bite the dust – a bioweathering scenario in the Atacama Desert. iScience 23, 101647.

Jung, P., Mikailyuk, T., Emrich, D., Baumann, K., Dultz, S., Büdel, B., 2020: Shifting boundaries: ecological and geographical range extension based on three new species in the cyanobacterial genera cyanocohniella, oculatella, and aliterella. Journal of Phycology, doi: 10.1111/jpy.13025-19-170.

Samolov, E., Baumann, K., Büdel, B., Jung, P., Leinweber, P., Mikhailyuk, T., Kasten, U., Glaser, K., 2020: Biodiversity of algae and cyanobacteria in biological soil crusts collected along a climatic gradient in Chile using an integrative approach. Microorganisms 8, 1047.


Acksel, A., Baumann, K., Hu, Y., Leinweber, P., 2019: A look into the past: tracing ancient sustainable manuring practices by thorough P speciation of Northern European soils. Soil Systems 3, 72.

Acksel, A., Baumann, K., Hu, Y., Leinweber, P., 2019: A critical review and evaluation of some P-research methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, doi: 10.1008/00103624.2019.1679165

Jung, P., Baumann, K., Lehnert, L.W., Samolov, E., Achilles, S., Schermer, M., Wraase, L.M., Eckhardt, K.-U., Bader, M.-Y., Leinweber, P., Karsten, U., Bendix, J., Büdel, B., 2019: Desert breath – how fog promotes a novel type of soil biocenosis, forming the coastal Atacama Desert’s living skin. Geobiology 00:1-12

Jung, P., Schermer, M., Briegel-Williams, L., Baumann, K., Leinweber, P., Karsten, U., Lehnert, L, Achilles, S., Bendix, J., Büdel, B., 2019: Water availability shapes edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities in the Atacama Desert. Journal of Phycology 55, 1306-1318.

Jung, P., Emrich, D., Briegel-Williams, L., Schwermer, M., Weber, L., Baumann, K., Colesie, C., Clerc, P., Lehnert, L.W., Achilles, S., Bendix, J., Büdel, B., 2019: Ecophysiology and phylogeny of new terricolous and epiphytic chlorolichens in a fog oasis of the Atacama Desert. MicrobiologyOpen, 00:e894.

Baumann, K., Siebers, M., Kruse, J., Eckhardt, K.-U., Hu, Y., Michalik, D., Siebers, N., Kar, G., Karsten, U., Leinweber, P., 2019. Biological soil crusts as key player in biogeochemical P cycling during pedogenesis of sandy substrate. Geoderma 338, 145-158.


Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R.A., Aburto, F., Bader, M.Y., Baumann, K., von Blanckenburg, F., Boy, J., et al., 2018. Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: new insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. Catena 170, 335-355.

Glaser, K., Baumann, K., Leinweber, P., Mikailyuk, T., Karsten, U., 2018. Algal richness in BSCs in forests under different management intensity with some implications for P cycling. Biogeosciences 15, 4181-4192.

Baumann, K., Zimmer, D., Schumann, R., 2018. Phosphorkonzentrationen in Umweltproben. In: Zimmer., D. Baumann, K., Berthold, M., Schumann, R., Handbuch zur Auswahl der Aufschluss- und Bestimmungsverfahren für Gesamtphosphor in Umweltproben, doi: 10.12754/misc-2018-0001

Baumann, K., Jung, P., Samolov, E., Lehnert, L.W., Büdel, B., Karsten, U., Bendix, J., Achilles, S., Schermer, M., Matus, F., Oses, R., Osses, P., Morshedizad, M., Oehlschläger, C., Hu, Y., Klysubun, W., Leinweber, P., 2018: Biological soil crusts along a climatic gradient in Chile: Richness and imprints of phototrophic microorganisms in phosphorus biogeochemical cycling. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 127, 286-300.

Robinson, J.S., Baumann, K., Hu, Y., Hagemann, P., Kebelmann, L., Leinweber, P., 2018: Phosphorus transformations in plant-based and bio-waste materials induced by pyrolysis. Ambio, doi: 10.1007/s13280-017-0990-y


Lehnert, L.W., Thies, B., Trachte, K., Achilles, S. Osses, P., Baumann, K., Schmidt, J., Samolov, E., Jung, P., Leinweber, P., Karsten, U., Büdel, B., Bendix, J., 2017: A case study on fog/low stratus occurrence at Las Lomitas, Atacama Desert (Chile) as a water source for biological soil crusts. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18, 254-269.

Baumann, K., Glaser, K., Mutz, J-E., Karsten, U., MacLennan, A., Hu, Y., Michalik, D., Kruse, J., Eckhardt, K.-U., Schall, P., Leinweber, P., 2017: Biological soil crusts of temperate forests: Their role in P cycling. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 109, 156-166.


Sanaullah, M., Chabbi, A., Maron, P.-A., Baumann, K., Tardy, V., Blagodatskaya, E., Kuzyakov, Y., Rumpel, C., 2016: How do microbial communities in top- and subsoil respond to root litter addition under field conditions? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 103, 28-38.

Baumann, K., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Ellerbrock, R.H., Leinweber, P., 2016: Rapid assessment of soil organic matter: Soil color analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 278, 49-57.


Rumpel, C., Baumann, K., Remussat, L., Dignac, M.-F., Barré, P., Deldicque, D., Glasser, G., Lieberwirth, I., Chabbi, A., 2015: Nanoscale evidence of contrasted processes for root-derived organic matter stabilization by mineral interactions depending on soil depth. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 85, 82-88.


Baumann, K., Dignac, M.-F., Bardoux, G., Rumpel, C., 2014: Effects of soil mineral matrix on the analysis of plant- and soil-derived polysaccharides after acid hydrolysis. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry 28, 2337-2340.


Baumann, K., Sanaullah, M., Chabbi, A., Dignac, M.-F., Bardoux, G., Steffens, M., Kögel-Knabner, I., Rumpel, C., 2013: Changes of litter chemistry and soil lignin signature during decomposition and stabilisation of 13C labeled wheat roots in three soil horizons. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 67, 55-61.

Farrell, M., Kuhn, T., Macdonald, L.M., Maddern, T.M., Murphy, D.V., Hall, P.A., Singh, B.P., Baumann, K., Krull, E., Baldock, J.A., 2013: Microbial utilisation of biochar-derived carbon. Science of the Total Environment 465, 288-297.

Baumann, K., Dignac, M.-F., Rumpel, C., Bardoux, G., Sarr, A., Maron, P.-A., 2013: Soil microbial diversity affects soil organic matter decomposition in a silty grassland soil. Biogeochemistry 114, 201-212.


Baumann, K., Dignac, M.-F., Bardoux, G., Rumpel, C., 2012: Effect of 13C enrichment and sugar type on analysis of sugars by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry 26, 1934-1940.

De Beats, S. Van Oost, K., Baumann, K., Meersmans, J., Vanacker, V., Rumpel, C., 2012: Lignin signature as a function of land abandonment and erosion in dry luvisols of SE Spain. Catena 93, 78-86.


Baumann, K. and Marschner, P., 2011: Effects of salinity on microbial tolerance to drying and rewetting. Biogeochemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10533-011-9672-1.

Baumann, K., Marschner, P., Kuhn, T.K., Smernik, R.J., Baldock, J.A., 2011: Microbial community structure and residue chemistry during decomposition of shoots and roots of young and mature wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in sand. European Journal of Soil Science 62, 666-675.

Marschner, P., Umar, S., Baumann, K., 2011: The microbial community composition changes rapidly in the early stages of decomposition of wheat residue. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 445-451.


Duong, T.T.T., Baumann, K., Marschner. P., 2009: Frequent addition of wheat straw residues to soil enhances carbon mineralization rate. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41, 1475-1482.

Baumann, K., Marschner, P., Smernik, R.J., Baldock, J.A., 2009: Residue chemistry and microbial community structure during decomposition of eucalypt, wheat and vetch residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41, 1966-1975.


Baumann, K., Rumpelt, A., Schneider, B.U., Marschner, P., Hüttl, R.F., 2006: Seedling biomass and element content of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra grown in sandy substrates with lignite. Geoderma 136, 573-578.


Baumann, K., Schneider, B.U., Marschner, P., Hüttl, R.F., 2005: Root distribution and nutrient status of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings growing in a sandy substrate with lignite fragments. Plant and Soil 276, 347-357.

Marschner, P., Baumann, K., Solaiman, Z., 2005: Molecular approaches to study the microbial community structure and function in the rhizosphere. In: Varma, A., Podila, G.K. (Eds): Biotechnological Applications of Microbes. IK International, New York, 311-341.


Baumann, K., 2004: Wurzelverteilung, Rhizosphärenchemie und Rhizosphären-bakteriengemeinschaft bei Kiefer in heterogenem kohlehaltigen Substrat. Cottbuser Schriften zu Bodenschutz und Rekultivierung 25, PhD-thesis, Germany, 124 pp.


Baumann, K., Schneider, B.U., Hangen, E., Gerke, H.H., Hüttl, R.F., 2003: Heterogenität von Rhizosphärenchemismus und Phytomasseverteilung auf einem forstlich rekultivierten (Pinus nigra Arn.) Kippstandort. DBG Mitteilungen 102, 41-42.

Marschner, P. and Baumann, K., 2003: Changes in bacterial community structure induced by mycorrhizal colonisation in split-root maize. Plant and Soil 251, 279-289.


Baumann, K., Behrens, K., Schliesske, J., 2000: ... und Tribolium fliegt doch! Der praktische Schädlingsbekämpfer 52, 1, 18-19.