Language Courses
The Language Centre offers language courses for all students in the so-called "Profilierungsbereich" (cross-curricular field of studies). Our modules are currently offered in ten languages and oriented toward the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In addition to the standard levels A1-C2 of the GER, we also offer the more differentiated levels A1+, A2+, B1+, and B2+ in cases where the progression to the next level cannot be achieved within one module. In this way we offer more learning time for non-European languages like Arabic and Chinese as well as for Eastern European languages like Russian and Polish.
Levels of our Language Courses based on the CEFR
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
If you are a beginner and have no prior knowledge of a language, register for an A1-module.
Language Courses Winter 2024/25
A preview of our course offerings in the coming winter semester is now available [in German]. Please click on the link below. Registration for the language courses of the winter semester 2024/25 will be open at 5 pm on September 16, 2024 in Stud.IP.
Online Placement Tests
If you have already attained a certain level in a foreign language, you can select modules that build upon that proficiency. If you are uncertain as to your language proficiency in English or German, you may take an online placement test to determine your current language level.
Module descriptions [in German]
lab001 Arabisch für Studierende ohne Vorkenntnisse (A1) (PDF, 114 KB)
lab002 Arabisch A1+ (PDF, 113 KB)
Examination Regulations
The general provisions of the General Examination Regulations (RPO) as well as the specific provisions of the exam regulations for the “studienübergreifende Profilierungsbereich“ (cross-curricular field of studies) apply also to the language modules.
Rahmenprüfungsordnung für Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge der Universität Vechta (vgl. Amtliche Mitteilungsblätter Ausgabe 14/2017)
Prüfungsordnung für den studiengangsübergreifenden Profilierungsbereich (vgl. Amtliche Mitteilungsblätter Ausgabe 17/2019)
The following regulations are in place for digital exams:
Ergänzungsordnung zur digitalen Durchführung von Prüfungen EODigiP (vgl. Amtliche Mitteilungsblätter 41/2021)
The following regulations for digital exams have not been implemented for the winter semester 22/23:
Ergänzungsordnung zur Durchführung von Prüfungen unter Pandemiebedingungen (EOP) (Amtliche Mitteilungsblätter Ausgabe 02/2021) Concerning language exams see § 12 in der EOP.
As a rule, exam registration takes place in the Online-Service der Universität Vechta. You may withdraw your registration once prior to the exam. Whoever does not officially withdraw from an exam or fails to appear without turning in a doctor’s certification of illness ("Prüfungsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung") fails the exam.
Please note that there are special regulations for the withdrawal from exams during the pandemic (cf. EOK & EOP under "Regulations for the conduct of examinations").
Make-up exams are possible provided that a missed exam was due to certified illness. If you failed to register for an exam or withdrew your registration for an exam you cannot be re-examined. Failed exams may be repeated. Students who wish to re-take an exam should inform themselves about re-examination procedures in their specific area of study at the Central Student Advisory or at the Study Centre.
All language modules can be credited toward the degree insofar as the individual areas of study require a specific elective area (Profilierungsbereich, Wahlpflichtmodule etc.). Additionally, such completed language modules can be credited as an “additionally completed examination or requirement” (§ 6 RPO) on the Transcript of Records. If you wish to earn additional credits (CP) for your studies or if you wish to have them credited as an “additionally completed exam or requirement”, then you must take an exam. Specific information about the types of exams can be found in the respective module descriptions. The number of credit points (CP) is recorded in the module description and is standardized for all courses of study.
Please note especially § 5 of the "Prüfungsordnung für den studiengangsübergreifenden Profilierungsbereich" (Examination regulations for the cross disciplinary elective area), wherein is explained under what circumstances the language modules cannot be credited to the degree:
- Native (first or second language) speakers cannot enrol in a language module in their native language
- Students whose major field of study is English may not enrol in the English-language courses of the elective area
- Non-German speaking students studying for a Bachelor or Masters Degree at the Univ. of Vechta can only earn credit points in the German language modules (Deutsch als Fremdsprache/DaF) above the B2 level (see § 5 Sec. 3 of the Exam Regulations of the “studiengangsübergreifenden Profilierungsbereich” (cross disciplinary elective area)
Please see the standard attendance policy as set in the RPO (see RPO §3). Language module attendance requirements are given in the respective module descriptions.
Please note that there is no obligation to attend online courses during the pandemic.
The language center of the University of Vechta is a member of Fachverband Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (FaDaF)
Photo credits: für Universität Vechta (Language courses) | JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash (Placement tests)