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DAAD Language Certificate

Several Study Abroad programs offered by the University of Vechta’s partner universities require students to submit a certificate of English-language proficiency. If you are not in the possession of an official certification such as the TOEFL or the IELTS, you can register to take the DAAD language proficiency test in the Language Centre. 

 If you would like to take the test, please contact the DAAD administrator for an appointment. You will recieve the exam results at your test appointment.

I would prefer to offer the test to multiple students at the same time. If you already know others who also need the DAAD language certificate, please contact me as a group so we can coordinate the dates.

Please note that test is not free of charge anymore. The fee is now 35€ per test.

Studierende aus verschiedenen Ländern unterhalten sich

(c) Alexis Brown | Unsplash

The DAAD test is divided into two parts and measures your proficiency in reading, listening, writing and oral interaction:

  • Reading/Writing/Listening skills will be assessed using a supervised online placement test (30 minutes). In order to prepare for the test format, you can have a look at this video.
  • Spoken English will be evaluated in a twenty minute conversation with the test administrator, based upon a one to two page text from a magazine or newspaper. The student will also be asked to discuss her/his future academic plans. (30 minutes)

The DAAD test is divided into two time blocks of approximately 30 minutes each. There is a 15 minute break between the blocks.