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German intensive courses


The International Office of the University of Vechta offers German courses for teachers, prospective students and students.

An application is required for the courses. Details on the courses, the respective requirements and on how to apply can be found below.


You can currently apply for ...

An intensive German language course B2 / C1 / C1+ is scheduled to start on the 14th of October 2024, covering levels B2, C1 and C1+ as well as test preparation for the Telc C1 Hochschule exam (the exam itself is not part of the course). The course ends on the 28th of August 2025 (class-free periods: 18.12.2024-12.01.2025 & 14.04.2025-30.04.2025).

This is an in person class for prospective students who are interested in studying at the University of Vechta (especially in the degree programmes / subjects Social Work, Management of Social Services, Gerontology and Educational Sciences).

Applicants need B1 German language skills.

The course comprises an average of 16 hours (April to July 2025: 12 hours) of lessons per week plus self-study.

Participation is free of charge. Participants can be enrolled as preparatory students if they wish; among other things, this allows you to apply for a visa for study purposes.

To maximise your chances of getting accepted for the course, please apply as soon as possible.

Please enclose the following documents with your application:

  • Application form
  • Copy of your passport or ID card
  • Proof of German language skills (B1) 
  • Copy of your school certificate in the original language and in German or English translation, copies of university certificates (if applicable)
  • in the case of persons already residing in Germany: Copy of the residence permit (front and back side)

The course is offered as part of the DAAD-funded FIT project at the University of Vechta.

We offer different courses on advanced levels (C1 / C1+ / C2 and exam preparation für the Telc C1 Hochschule exam). For further information please visit our German website.

If you are interested in the courses, please do not hesitate to contact us.

An intensive German language course B2 / C1 / C1+ is scheduled to start in October 2025, covering levels B2, C1 and C1+ as well as test preparation for the Telc C1 Hochschule exam (the exam itself is not part of the course). The course runs until August 2026.

This is an in person class for prospective students who are interested in studying at the University of Vechta (especially in the degree programmes / subjects Social Work, Management of Social Services, Gerontology and Educational Sciences).

Applicants need B1 German language skills.

The course comprises an average of 16 hours (April to July 2025: 12 hours) of lessons per week plus self-study.

Participation is free of charge. Participants can be enrolled as preparatory students if they wish; among other things, this allows you to apply for a visa for study purposes.

Application: If this course is of interest to you, please contact us (we will get back to you as soon as you can officially apply).

The course is offered as part of the DAAD-funded FIT project at the University of Vechta.


Hand in your complete application at the University of Vechta (Room R 033 / R 038) or send it online via our contact form. Alternatively, you can send it by post:

Universität Vechta
International Office
Kerstin Abeln
Driverstraße 22
49377 Vechta

In case of any questions please contact Kerstin Abeln (contact form / +49 (0)4441 15 760).





supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

This programme (courses at C1, C1+ and C2 level) is part of the AMIF project "Jump the Hurdle! Changleichheit auf dem Weg in pädagogisch-sozialen Handlungsfeldern".