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  • Programm: Kooperationsvereinbarung Uni Vechta und SUISAG/SGD, Sempach, Schweiz
  • Ziel: Entwicklung eines Online-Tools zur freiwilligen, einzelbetrieblichen, kostenfreien Risikobewertung für das Eintragsrisiko von Afrikanischer Schweinepest (ASP) für schweinehaltende Betriebe der Schweiz
  • Partner:
    • Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
    • Universität Vechta
    • Friedrich- Loeffler-Institut
    • Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit (FLI)
    • Verbund trafo:agrar
    • Schweizerische Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft veterinär- und landwirtschaftlicher Praxis und Behörden (Identifikation durch SUISAG)
  • Dauer: 7 Monate
  • Volumen: 36.500 €
  • Status: Laufend
  • Kontakt: Dr. Maria Gellermann (Tel.: +49 4441.15 785; E-mail:


Methodical further development of transdisciplinary approaches

Schlochter Bäke

(Re)revitalize stream courses - promote nature in the region


Joint development of target images and scenarios for a sustainable agricultural and food industry in the region and their exemplary implementation


Development of a system-oriented serious game (Play) in the Living Lab for the virtual simulation of concepts and options for action to reduce nitrogen emissions (N) in pig farming (Pig) and to adapt farms to climate change.

SDGs Labs

SDGs Labs aims to build a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing among various agribusiness and food production stakeholders to holistically integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the sector's modern business practices.


The cross-cluster event is intended to help develop new system approaches as well as cross-industry innovations and synergies, and to achieve cross-cluster shoulder-to-shoulder cooperation between practice, research and politics.


Develop prevention and early detection measures through AI and video-based real-time analysis and correlation of animal behavior with animal-related environmental parameters and other data from inside and outside the value chain. Exploring explicit added values through the use of the 5G communicatio