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Equality Commission


The Equality Commission (KfG) is a senate commission consisting of elected members from all status groups.


It advises and supports the presidium and the senate of Vechta University in enforcing equal opportunities and eliminating existing discrimination. In addition, the KfG advocates for the promotion of gender research.



In regular meetings, the elected members of the KfG discuss concrete measures and develop statements on equality-related issues. The commission maintains a close exchange with the team of the Central Institution for Equality & Diversity (ZEGD) and the head Equal Opportunities Officer Tanja Meyer, who is an advisory member of the KfG.

In recent years, the work of the KfG has focused on the current equality plan, participation in the university's diversity audit, and the creation of the university's "Guideline against Sexual Discrimination, Harassment and Violence" and its publication. Current areas of involvement include participation in the development of an "Equal Opportunity" guideline, the possibility of changing student’s gender and name designations, and the basic order amendment on equality.

The Commission is also increasingly dedicated to issues of diversity and its appropriate realization and consideration at the University. We would like to become even more active in the future with regard to this topic.

Sitzungen und Mitwirkung

If you have any questions or concerns related to gender equality, please contact the chairperson of the commission or the representatives of your status group.

The meetings of the KfG are not open to the public. However, members of all status groups may attend certain agenda items as guests at any time by invitation and are expressly encouraged to do so. If you are interested in topics of equality and diversity and would like to actively participate, please contact the chairperson of the KfG or the ZEGD team. We will then be happy to invite you.

Minutes of the KfG meetings (login required).

The current term of the Commission started on 01/04/2021 and ends on 31/03/2023. For the members of the student group it started on 08/04/2022 and ends on 31/03/2023.

It is composed as follows:

Group of professors

Martina Döhrmann

Hildegard Theobald

Group of research assitants

Sophie Große
Representative: Leonore Sell

Nadine Feldhaus
Representative: Jana Wetzel,

Group of employees in the technical and administrative service

Lea Sophie Schmidt
Monika Schürmann

Reppresentative: Attila Karakus

Gruppe of studentsJana Rolfes
Laurence Janßen