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© University of Vechta / Bitters/Wollstein


Vote and have a say in your concerns!

Higher education policy


Higher education policy - A not so present and widespread topic. But we want to change that, because only by running and your voter turnout can your concerns and ideas and those of your status group be brought in.


On this page we would like to inform you about the topic of higher education policy and encourage you to become part of a higher education policy committee!


This is how you can shape the future of our university!

It doesn't take much to help shape our university - but you! What you should bring:

  1. Commitment
  2. Interest in co-determination and active development of the University of Vechta
  3. critical perspectives
  4. Courage to express one's opinion
  5. new ideas

Your participation not only helps the future development of the University of Vechta, but also yours! Through the committee work you gain a lot of experience and learn a lot. We are sure that it will be a support for your further career and also outside the university! #

Are you a member of the University of Vechta? You want to "sniff committee air"? Then just visit the university public meetings of the Senate and the ZSK. The meeting dates can be found under Committee dates.


Who can be elected?

Each committee consists of four status groups:

  • University teachers
  • Scientific, artistic staff and teachers for special tasks ("mittelbau")
  • Students (incl. enrolled doctoral candidates, unless scientific/artistic staff, LfbA)
  • Employees in technology and administration (MTV Group)

At least one representative is sent from each status group.

The elections take place every 2 years in the winter semester, for the students even every year.

Which committees are there and what do they do?