Peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters
Rončević, K./ Rieckmann, M. (2024): How can a Whole School Approach to Sustainability be Inclusive to All Learners? In: Wals, A.E.J./ Bjønness, B./ Sinnes, A./ Eikeland, I. (eds.): Whole School Approaches to Sustainability. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 121–135.
Günther, J./ Muster, S./ Kaiser, K./ Rieckmann, M. (2024): A multi-stakeholder perspective on the development of key competencies for sustainability in Education for Sustainable Development at school. In: Environmental Education Research, 1–17.
Corres, A./ Ruiz-Mallén, I./ Rieckmann, M. (2024): Educators’ competences, motivations and teaching challenges faced in education for sustainable development: what are the interlinkages? In: Cogent Education 11 (1), Article 2302408.
Álvarez-Vanegas, A./ Rieckmann, M./ Lopera Pérez, M./ Aguirre, P. M. (2024): Teaching with A Rounder Sense of Purpose: a survey study on education for sustainable development competences in Latin America. Frontiers in Education, 8, Article 1205478.
Mejía-Cáceres, M. A./ Rieckmann, M./ Folena Araújo, M. L. (2023): Political Discourses as A Resource for Climate Change Education: Promoting Critical Thinking by Closing the Gap between Science Education and Political Education. In: Sustainability 15 (8), 6672.
Rau, F./ Rieckmann, M. (2023): Bildung in einer Kultur der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalität. In: MedienPädagogik (52), 21–46.
Wolff, L.-A./ Shephard, K./ Belluigi, D. Z./ Vega-Marcote, P./ Rieckmann, M./ Skarstein, F./ Cheah, S. L. (2022): Editorial: Transformative learning, teaching, and action in the most challenging times. In: Frontiers in Education 7, Article 1041914,
Rieckmann, M. (2022): Developing and Assessing Sustainability Competences in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development. In: Karaarslan-Semiz, G. (Ed.): Education for Sustainable Development in Primary and Secondary Schools. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 191–203.
Habel, J./ Ulrich, W./ Rieckmann, M./ Shauri, H./ Nzau, J. (2022): Lack of benefit sharing undermines support for nature conservation in an Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot. In: Ecology & Society 27 (4).
Goller, A./ Rieckmann, M. (2022): What do We Know About Teacher Educators’ Perceptions of Education for Sustainable Development? A Systematic Literature Review. In: Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 24 (1), 19–34.
Fischer, D./ King, J./ Rieckmann, M./ Barth, M./ Büssing, A./ Hemmer, I./ Lindau-Bank, D. (2022): Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: A Review of an Emerging Research Field. In: Journal of Teacher Education, 1–16.
Nzau, J. M./ Ulrich, W./ Rieckmann, M./ Habel, J. C. (2022): The need for local-adjusted Participatory Forest Management in biodiversity hotspots. In: Biodiversity and Conservation.
King, J./ Rieckmann, M./ Fischer, D./ Barth, M./ Büssing, A. G./ Hemmer, I./ Lindau-Bank, D. (2022): International Trends in Research on Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education. In: Peters, M. A. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Singapore: Springer (Springer eBook Collection), pp. 1–6.
Rieckmann, M./ Barth, M. (2022): Educators’ Competence Frameworks in Education for Sustainable Development. In: Vare, P./ Lausselet, N./ Rieckmann, M. (Eds.): Competences in Education for Sustainable Development. Critical Perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 19–26.
Scherak, L./ Rieckmann, M. (2022): Development and Assessment of ESD Competences: Staff Training at the University of Vechta. In: Vare, P./ Lausselet, N./ Rieckmann, M. (Eds.): Competences in Education for Sustainable Development. Critical Perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 121–128.
Rieckmann, M. (2021): Reflexion einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung aus bildungstheoretischer Perspektive. In: RpB 44 (2), 5–16.
Rieckmann, M. (2021): Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Ziele, didaktische Prinzipien und Methoden. In: merz – Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik 65 (04), 12–19.
Lochner, J./ Rieckmann, M./ Robischon, M. (2021): (Un)expected Learning Outcomes of Virtual School Garden Exchanges in the Field of Education for Sustainable Development. In: Sustainability 13, 5758.
Bauer, M./ Rieckmann, M./ Niedlich, S./ Bormann, I. (2021): Sustainability Governance at High-er Education Institutions: Equipped to Transform? In: Frontiers in Sustainability 2,
Shephard, K./ Thondhlana, G./ Wolff, L.-A./ Belluigi, D. Z./ Rieckmann, M./ Vega-Marcote, P. (2021): On the nature of quality in the contexts of academic publication and sustainability. In: Frontiers in Education 6,
Rieckmann, M./ Hoff, H./ Bokop, K. (2021): Effective Community-Academic Partnerships on Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation: Results of a European Delphi Study. In: Sustainability and Climate Change 14 (2), 76–83.
Rieckmann, M. (2021): Service Learning für nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: Boos, A./ van den Eeden, M./ Viere, T. (eds.): CSR und Hochschullehre. Transdisziplinäre und innovative Konzepte und Fallbeispiele, Vol. 26. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 185–198,
Rieckmann, M./ Flores, S./ Pabón Ponce, M. K./ Vélez, E./ Mera Pincay, S. L. (2021): The Education System in Ecuador: Moving Towards Quality Education. In: Jornitz, S./ Parreira do Amaral, M. (eds.): The Education Systems of the Americas. Cham: Springer, pp. 523–556,
Díaz Monsalve, A.E./ Quiroz Posada, R.E./ Rieckmann M. (2021): The Education System of Colombia: A Commitment to Civic Education for Prosperity. In: Jornitz, S./ Parreira do Amaral, M. (eds.): The Education Systems of the Americas. Cham: Springer, pp. 405–430,
Brundiers, K./ Barth, M./ Cebrián, G./ Cohen, M./ Diaz, L./ Doucette-Remington, S./ Dripps, W./ Habron, G./ Harré, N./ Jarchow, M./ Losch, K./ Michel, J./ Mochizuki, Y./ Rieckmann, M./ Parnell, R./ Walker, P./ Zint, M. (2021): Key competencies in sustainability in higher education – toward an agreed-upon reference framework. In: Sustainability Science 16, 13–29.,
Rieckmann, M. (2020): Emancipatory and transformative Global Citizenship Education in formal and informal settings: Empowering learners to change structures. In: Tertium Comparationis. Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft 26 (2), 174–186.
Scherak, L./ Rieckmann, M. (2020): Developing ESD Competences in Higher Education Institutions: Staff Training at the University of Vechta. In: Sustainability 12 (24), 10336.
Corres, A./ Rieckmann, M./ Espasa, A./ Ruiz-Mallén, I. (2020): Educator Competences in Sustainability Education: A Systematic Review of Frameworks. In: Sustainability 12 (23), 9858.
Rieckmann, M. (2020): Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Von Projekten zum Whole-Institution Approach. In: Kapelari, S. (ed.): Vierte „Tagung der Fachdidaktik“ 2019: Interdisziplinäre fachdidaktische Diskurse zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press, pp. 11–44,
Rülke, J./ Rieckmann, M./ Nzau, J. M./ Teucher, M. (2020): How Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism Influence Human–Environment Relationships in a Kenyan Biodiversity Hotspot. In: Sustainability 12 (19), 8213,
Habel, J. C./ Nzau, J. M./ Apfelbeck, B./ Bendzko, T./ Fischer, C./ Kimatu, J. N./ Mwakumanya, M. A./ Maghenda, M./ Mulwa, R. K./ Rieckmann, M./ Shauri, H./ Teucher, M./ Schmitt, C. (2020): Land scarcity, communication gaps and institutional confusions influence the loss of biodiversity in south-eastern Kenya. In: Biodiversity and Conservation 12 (6), 46,
Bauer, M./ Niedlich, S./ Rieckmann, M./ Bormann, I. / Jaeger, L. (2020): Interdependencies of Culture and Functions of Sustainability Governance at Higher Education Institutions. In: Sustainability 12 (7), 2780.
Niedlich, S./ Bauer, M./ Doneliene, M./ Jaeger, L./ Rieckmann, M./ Bormann, I. (2020): Assessment of Sustainability Governance in Higher Education Institutions – a Systemic Tool using a Governance Equalizer. In: Sustainability 12 (5), 1816.
Nzau, M. J./Gosling, E./Rieckmann, M./Shauri, H. S./ Habel, J. C. (2020): The illusion of participatory forest management success in nature conservation. In: Biodiversity and Conservation 33, First Online: 25 February 2020,
Niedlich, S./ Kummer, B./ Bauer, M./ Rieckmann, M./ Bormann, I. (2020): Cultures of sustainability governance in higher education institutions: A multi-case study of dimensions and implications. In: Higher Education Quarterly 74(4), 373–390, First published: 16 December 2019,
Lochner, J./Rieckmann, M./Robischon, M. (2019): Any Sign of Virtual School Garden Exchanges? Education for Sustainable Development in School Gardens since 1992: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 13 (2), 168–192, First Published December 18, 2019,
Schank, C. / Rieckmann, M. (2019): Socio-economically Substantiated Education for Sustainable Development: Development of Competencies and Value Orientations Between Individual Responsibility and Structural Transformation. In: Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 13 (1), 67-91,
Biberhofer, P./ Lintner, C./ Bernhardt, J./ Rieckmann, M. (2019): Facilitating work performance of sustainability-driven entrepreneurs through higher education - The relevance of competencies, values, worldviews and opportunities. In: The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 20 (1), 21-38. Article first published online: February 8, 2018,
Bauer, M. / Bormann, I. / Kummer, B. / Niedlich, S. / Rieckmann, M. (2018): Sustainability Governance at Universities: Using a Governance Equalizer as a Research Heuristic. In: Higher Education Policy 31 (4), 491-511. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-018-0104-x.;
Shephard, K. / Rieckmann, M. / Barth, M. (2018): Seeking sustainability competence and capability in the ESD and HESD literature: an international philosophical hermeneutic analysis. In: Environmental Education Research. Published online: 24 Oct 2018. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1490947.
Nzau, M. J. / Rogers, R. / Shauri, H. S. / Rieckmann, M. / Habel, J. C. (2018): Smallholder perceptions and communication gaps shape East African riparian ecosystems. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, First Online: 18 September 2018,
Meroño, L./Calderón, A./Rieckmann, M./Méndez-Giménez, A./ Arias-Estero, J. L. (2018): Relación entre aprendizaje competencial percibido y aprendizaje medido en TIMSS 2015: Comparación de alumnado español y alemán // Relationship between perceived competency-based learning and measured learning in TIMSS 2015: Comparison of Spanish and German students. In: Revista de Educación 379, 9-31. DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2017-379-365. Online
Cincera, J./Biberhofer, P./Binka, B./Boman, J./Mindt, L./Rieckmann, M. (2018): Designing a Sustainability-Driven Entrepreneurship Curriculum as a Social Learning Process: A Case Study from an International Knowledge Alliance Project. In: Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 4357-4366,
Mindt, L./Rieckmann, M. (2017): Developing competencies for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship in higher education: A literature review on teaching and learning methods. In: Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria 29 (1), 129-159. DOI:
Rieckmann, M./Holz, V. (2017): Zum Status Quo der Lehrerbildung und -weiterbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Deutschland. In: Der Pädagogische Blick. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in pädagogischen Berufen 25 (1), 4-18.
Sterling, S./Glasser, H./Rieckmann, M./Warwick, P. (2017): "More Than Scaling Up": A Critical and Practical Inquiry Into Operationalising Sustainability Competencies. In: Corcoran, P.B./Weakland, J./Wals, A.E.J. (eds.): Envisioning Futures for Environmental and Sustainabilty Education, Wageningen, pp. 153 - 168, DOI:
Rieckmann, M./Schank, C. (2016): Sozioökonomisch fundierte Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Kompetenzentwicklung und Werteorientierungen zwischen individueller Verantwortung und struktureller Transformation. In: SOCIENCE 1 (1), 65-79. Unter:
Barth, M./Rieckmann, M. (2016): State of the Art in Research on Higher Education for Sustainable Development. In: Barth, M./Michelsen, G./Rieckmann, M./Thomas, I. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Higher Education for Sustainable Development. London. pp. 100-113.
Gardiner, S./Rieckmann, M. (2015): Pedagogies of Preparedness: Use of Reflective Journals in the Operationalisation and Development of Anticipatory Competence. In: Sustainability 7(8). 10554-10575.
Habel, J./Eggermont, H./Günter, S./Mulwa, R.K./Rieckmann, M./Pin Koh, L./Niassy, S./Ferguson, J.W.H./Gebremichael, G./Githiru, M./Weisser, W.W./Lens, L.: Towards more equal footing in north-south biodiversity research: European and sub-Saharan viewpoints. In: Biodiversity and Conservation.
Adomßent, M./Barth, M./Fischer, D./Richter, S./Rieckmann, M. (2014): Learning to change universities from within: a service-learning perspective on promoting sustainable consumption in higher education. In: Journal of Cleaner Production 62, 1 January 2014, 72-81. Unter:
Adomßent, M., Fischer, D., Godemann, J., Herzig, C., Otte, I., Rieckmann, M., Timm, J. (2014): Emerging Areas in Research on Higher Education for Sustainable Development - Management Education, Sustainable Consumption and Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe 62, 1 January 2014, 1-7. Unter:
Müller-Christ, G./Sterling, S./van Dam-Mieras, R./Adomßent, M./Fischer, D./Rieckmann, M. (2014): The Role of Campus, Curriculum, and Community in Higher Education for Sustainable Development - a Conference Report. In: Journal of Cleaner Production 62, 1 January 2014, 134-137.
Newig, J./Schulz, D./Fischer, D./Hetze, K./Laws, N./Lüdecke, G./Rieckmann, M. (2013): Communication regarding sustainable development - conceptual perspectives and exploration of societal subsystems. In: Sustainability 5 (7), 2976-2990.
Rieckmann, Marco (2013): Schlüsselkompetenzen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. In: POLIS 4/2013, 11-14.
Michelsen, G./Rieckmann, M. (2013): Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung zum Thema „Wasser“. In: Zeitschrift Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 57 (3), 116-125.
Rieckmann, M. (2013): The global perspective of education for sustainable development: a European-Latin American study about key competencies for thinking and acting in the world society. In: Environmental Education Research 19 (2), 257-258.
Barth, M./Rieckmann, M. (2012): Academic staff development as a catalyst for curriculum change towards education for sustainable development: an output perspective. In: Journal of Cleaner Production 26, 28–36.
Rieckmann, M. (2012): Future-oriented higher education: Which key competencies should be fostered through university teaching and learning? In: Futures 44 (2), 127–135.
Barth, M./Adomßent, M./Albrecht, P./Burandt, S./Godemann, J./Franz-Balsen, A./Rieckmann, M. (2011): Towards a “Sustainable University”: scenarios for sustainable university development. In: International Journal for Innovation and Sustainable Development 5 (4), 313–332.
Rieckmann, M. (2011): Schlüsselkompetenzen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Weltgesellschaft. Ergebnisse einer europäisch-lateinamerikanischen Delphi-Studie. In: GAIA 20 (1), 48–56.
Rieckmann, M./Adomßent, M./Härdtle, W./Aguirre, P. (2011): Sustainable Development and Conservation of Biodiversity Hotspots in Latin America. The Case of Ecuador. In: Zachos, F. E./Habel, J.C. (eds.): Biodiversity Hotspots. Distribution and Protection of Conservation Priority Areas. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 435–452.
Barth, M./Rieckmann, M. (2009): Experiencing the Global Dimension of Sustainability: Student Dialogue in a European-Latin American Virtual Seminar. In: International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning 1 (3), 23–38.
Barth, M./Rieckmann, M (2009): Nachhaltigkeit virtuell lernen? Potenziale Neuer Medien für das Globale Lernen in der Hochschullehre. In: ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik 32 (3), 19–24.
Adomßent, M./Albrecht, P./Barth, M./Burandt, S./Franz-Balsen, A./Godemann, J./Rieckmann, M. (2008): Szenarienentwicklung für die "nachhaltige Hochschule" – ein Beitrag für die Hochschulforschung?! In: die hochschule 1/2008, 23–40.
Van Dam-Mieras, R./Lansu, A./Rieckmann, M./Michelsen, G. (2008): Development of an Interdisciplinary, Intercultural Master’s Program on Sustainability: Learning from the Richness of Diversity. In: Innovative Higher Education 32 (5), 251–264.
Barth, M./Godemann, J./Rieckmann, M./Stoltenberg, U. (2007): Developing Key Competencies for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 8 (4), 416–430.
Rieckmann, M. (2007): Globales Lernen in informellen Settings an Hochschulen. In: ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik 30 (1), 7–10.
Adomßent, M./Michelsen, G./Rieckmann, M./Stoltenberg, U. (2007): Die „Sustainable University“ als informeller Lernkontext. In: ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik 30 (4), 9–12.